From the archive: Then and now

On 17 December 2004, one of the best places for music anywhere opened in the North East of England.
Over the next year, we’ll look back all the amazing things our charity has achieved in those two decades – and what we can look forward to as we head into our third.
We’ve been looking back through the photo albums and dusted off these amazing construction photos from the archive leading up to when we opened our doors for the very first time.
Do you remember seeing the building take shape on the Quayside back in 1997–2004?
Archive photos courtesy of Theatre Projects.
Then and now
Beneath the roof – a view of the entrance arch by our Tyne Bridge entrance and the side of Barbour Balcony and Sage Two bar and venue.

The metal grid shape of our iconic roof, ready for the glass panels, viewed from Newcastle Quayside.

Looking up from South Shore Road at the Millennium Bridge entrance.

A look inside Sage One concert hall from the stalls, before the wood panelling, seats, and acoustic panels are installed.

A view of Sage One in construction.

A view from the Millennium Bridge as the glass panels start being laid on the roof.

A view of from South Shore Road as the roof frame is constructed.