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Young Trustees Wanted

Application closing date: Friday 14 June, at 5pm

Posted on 15 May 2024

young trustees

If you’re between 18 and 25, live in the North East and want to see behind the scenes at one of the North’s most exciting music organisations we want to hear from you! We’re looking for two young people with loads of enthusiasm for what we do to join our board of trustees, starting in Autumn 2024.

The Glasshouse is a home for live music lovers. It’s a place where you can hear rock legends or pop icons on the same night as folk trios or opera singers. Where new musicians are nurtured and showcased on the same stages as platinum-selling performers. And where youth choirs and tambourine-shaking toddlers practise in the same spaces as our acclaimed orchestra, Royal Northern Sinfonia.

Being a Trustee is a voluntary role. Trustees make sure that charities are run properly and achieve what they say they’re going to achieve. Trustees give support and advice to the staff team, but don’t get involved in doing the work. Becoming a Trustee means learning more about the company, seeing what goes on behind the scenes and getting a deeper understanding of how the business is developing. You’ll be involved in making decisions about the business, and contribute to the future of The Glasshouse. As a young person from our region we want your views on how we can best serve the community through performance, participation and engagement.

>>To find out more about the role please view our recruitment pack.

If you like what you read and want to apply, here’s what to do.

Write an email or send us a short video (no longer than 3 minutes) to telling us:
• Your name
• Where you live
• How old you are
• Your phone number and email address
• Why you’d like to become a Young Trustee

The deadline to send in your email/video is 5pm Friday 14 June.

If you have any questions before you apply please email Natasha:

After the deadline, we’ll be in touch to invite you to attend a workshop on Wednesday 26 June where you’ll meet other young people who are interested in being Young Trustees. We can ask each other questions and explain more about how it might work.