Words Weekend 2019
A Celebration of Gil Scott-Heron
with Co-Musica Arches Academy and Mudfoot Blaps
Did you spot the Gil Scott Heron mural in the arches behind Sage Gateshead?
Since September, the young people at Co-Musica Arches Academy have been learning about the work of the poet, jazz musician and rap pioneer. Using creative practice to teach the national curriculum, Co-Musica work with young people not in education, training or employment and this Autumn, in collaboration with Words Weekend, the group have explored beat poetry, proto-rap, jazz and political activism inspired by the pioneering artist. See a showcase of their work at Words Weekend.
More Info:
Start: 6.30pm
Venue: Concourse
As everyone deserves equal access to entertainment, every event in Words Weekend will be accessible. In addition to the gold standard access provision at Sage Gateshead, all events will be BSL interpreted and there will be a roaming interpreter facilitating conversations throughout the venue.
Words Weekend will post a Social Story on their website for anyone who might find new situations difficult and would like to know what to expect from the festival. Sage Gateshead also offer short familiarisation visits.
We request that everyone is tolerant to the needs of other audience members, some of whom might need to take a break from a space during an event, for example. Lighting will be raised slightly higher than usual, sound levels will be limited at most events and more comfortable seating options will be offered in some spaces. Please remember that not all disabilities or health conditions are visible. If you have any questions please contact info@wordsweekend.com.