Make Music
Loud And Clear: Foster Family Learning

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Loud & Clear is funded by Youth Music, and other charitable trusts and foundations, and has been delivered in partnership with the Children’s Services Teams at Newcastle and Gateshead Local Authorities and Adopt North East. Since 2012, Loud & Clear delivery supports the musical, personal, emotional and communication development of early years looked after, adopted children and their families.
It helps to build and nurture relationships between these children and their birth families, foster carers, adoptive parents and peers/siblings.
Come and join us for regular sessions of family music-making and creative play for foster families with children aged 0-5 years and their siblings of all ages.
Need to know
Price: Free, ticketed
Date and Time: Thursdays at 10am – 11.30am
Location: This event takes place at an external venue.
You can book individual weekly sessions or for a full term using the links below.
Please note this session is for foster families only.
Join us for the full term

Book a block of 10 lessons
Autumn Dates: Thursday 26 September – Thursday 12 December
Spring Dates: Thursday 23 January – Thursday 3 April