Backstage Episode #43: Musicians in focus – James Slater & Daniel Hammersley (RNS)

In an age of technological disruption and digital streaming services. live music has been the once place where musicians could still hope to earn enough to follow their dream or calling.
But since March, even that tap has been turned off, as coronavirus restrictions mean venues must remain closed or operate at low capacities.
Lots of freelance musicians have fallen through the gaps in financial support made available to the sector and a survey by the Musicians Union suggests one third may be forced to quit the industry.
To get a better perspective, in this podcast episode, we hear from James Slater and Dan Hammersley, two professional musicians with the Royal Northern Sinfonia.
By their own admission, as salaried employees James and Dan are better off than most musicians. But they also know well the hard work, long hours, repetitive practice and sacrifices made by every professional artist trying to make a living from their craft.