West Newcastle Symphony Orchestra

West Newcastle Symphony Orchestra plays all kinds of music, from film music, to pop music and classical pieces.
West Newcastle Symphony Orchestra (WNSO) was born out of In Harmony Newcastle Gateshead, which runs at Hawthorn Primary School and Bridgewater School. News quickly spread about the benefits regular music-making was having on the school, children and young people and families in the area and so West Newcastle Symphony Orchestra was created.
WSNO meets on Thursdays from 5pm to 6pm at the Hawthorn Primary School.
It’s completely free to join and there is no audition. Just come along with your instrument and your friends! For more details call or text the In Harmony team on 07850 078803.
‘The discipline and joy of playing in an orchestra is tremendous and should be every child’s right. This programme is phenomenal and a great success’
WNSO Audience Member