Anthony Robb (Northumbrian Pipes & Intermediate Band)

Anthony Robb fell in love with Northumbrian pipes in 1966, managed to try his hand at the instrument in 1969 and acquired his own set in 1970. That year he won the Confined class at the Alnwick Gathering and the following year swept the board by winning Novice, Intermediate and Open classes at the Northumbrian Pipers Society competitions in Newcastle. (A feat which precipitated permanent rule changes for future competitors). In the following 10 years he won all of the major competitions including the “Champion of Champions Class” at Bellingham Show and took his tally to 40 first-place prizes.
He was the principal piper on the two Cut & Dry Band vinyl albums (1976 and 1980 re-released by Topic Records on CD in 2001) and was chosen to play for Princess Anne and Prince Charles on visits to North East England.
Anthony has appeared on 10 other albums and was the first pipes tutor at Sage Gateshead. He has taught pipes in New Zealand, Germany and throughout the UK including the Folk and Traditional Music degree at Newcastle University and was associated with the ground-breaking Folkworks organisation for twenty years, three of which as Co-director of its Adult Summer School in Durham.
His proudest moments and fondest memories are of living amongst and playing alongside the legendary traditional Northumbrian musicians in the 80’s and 90’s, notably Willie Taylor and Will Atkinson. He currently plays in Windy Gyle Band and also alongside Northumberland’s last ‘all by ear’ traditional ‘moothie’ player Jimmy Little.